Paintball Consulting

Conducted by: D. P. Allen, Capt. Inf. U.S.Army, (ret.)

Author: Tactics for the Paintball Player, Copyright 1992, updated reprint 2016

Member: International Paintball Players Association (I.P.P.A.)

Member: North American Paintball Referees Association. (N.A.P.R.A.)

The sport that's not just a sport. Used as a training vehicle by law enforcement, military and civilian security organizations. Paintball teaches tactics, but more importantly teaches self discipline, quick decision making, teamwork, self sufficiency and self confidence. All in a safe, fun and exciting environment. Corporations use paintball as a training vehicle and as a great form of stress relief. Suitable for players of any age, gender, or physical condition.

The equipment needed is reasonably priced and the facilities requirements are minimal. A graphite golf club can cost more than a complete paintball set up and an empty piece of land is all that is necessary for a playing field.

I can help you set up a game or develop an entire program for your corporate or other organization, train the players or your own trainers, supply or show you where to acquire the needed equipment and teach the proper use and maintenance.

Contact me with your needs.

D. Allen Marketing
4243 E. Carey Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89115
(In a dome house. One more way I live outside of the box!)

Click here to visit my Paintball Book Web page.

I'm back from Iraq, where I was working as a civilian contractor in support of our troops.
When I say I support our troops, I really mean it.

My apologies to any who couldn't find my old web page. While I was overseas, the server changed their procedures and lost my websites.